Measuring Thickness and Resistivity

Eddy current meters can measure sheet resistance, thickness, resistivity, and more.

What can be measured Units displayed If derived: equation & requirements
Sheet conductance Mhos/square Measured directly
Sheet resistance Ohms/square Rs = 1/Cs
Resistivity, bulk resistivity, volume resistivity Ohms-cm, ohm-cm, ohm_cm, ohm cm, ohm*cm p = Rs * T
Thickness value needed
Thickness Microns, MicroMeters T = p/Rs
Resistivity value needed

Delcom meters do not directly measure the resistivity of material—instead, they measure the sheet conductance of a conductive layer. However, if the material is of uniform thickness and if that thickness is known, a Delcom meter can be used to measure, record, display, and even map the material’s resistivity.

Similarly, Delcom meters do not directly measure the thickness of material. However, if the material is of uniform resistivity and if that resistivity is known, a Delcom meter can be used to measure, record, display, and even map the material’s thickness.